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宜兴市宇龙塑胶包装制品有限公司是一家专业生产护卡膜(塑封膜)的老牌企业,公司占地面积25,000平方米,建筑面积18,650平方米。有27年的护卡膜生产经验,现有四条护卡膜生产线,生产经营人员150余人,年产量达到9,000吨,联系邮箱web@ylsjbz.com。 公司主营塑封膜,近年来我们积极进取,与时俱进,在原产品基础上,又开发了防静电膜,防紫外线膜、三层护卡膜等新产品,以满足广大客户需求。同时配套供应PET/PVC/PP装订封面,激光打印胶片,磨砂膜,背胶膜,防紫外线膜和塑料装订胶圈,完善了产品结构,方便了客户采购。 公司拥有一批高素质的营销团队,建立起了广泛而稳定的营销网络,拥有完善的质量管理体系,顺利通过:ISO9001:2008国际质量体系认证, SGS优质供应商认证和TUV认证,并于2012年一月获得国家出口货物检验检疫绿色通道。于2014年获得11项专利授权,在生产技术上获得了行业内外的认可。公司经营者本着团结务实的理念,不断提升企业形象和各方面实力,先后被评为“2014年度先进企业”、“开放型经济先进企业”、企业董事长获“优秀经理”、护卡膜行业协会副会长,企业总经理为“官林镇青商会会员”,公司被列为“宜兴国际商会会员单位”。 2015年通过海关一般认证,为货物顺利通关提供便利。 公司以“做行业典范,塑国际品牌,让中国企业在世界赢得尊敬而不懈努力”为神圣的使命感;以“标准决定水准、人品决定产品”的品质理念高标准严格把好各道工艺流程;以“提供给客户高品质的产品和真诚的服务”“信任每一位员工、尊重每一位员工的劳动成果并实现共赢”“鼓励员工创新和不断进取”“视责任为质量的保证,质量为品牌的生命”的企业核心价值观赢得生存和发展空间。目前,产品已顺利进入欧美、日本、澳洲、非洲、东南亚、南美等100多个国家和地区。同时我们也很荣幸成为了多家世界500强知名文具企业的优质OEM 供应商。 真诚欢迎新老客户来电来函联系业务,愿与业界朋友共创明天辉煌!Yixing City Yulong Plastic Adhesive Packing Products Co., Ltd is one of the most professional laminating film industry leaders. We have been specialized in manufacturing since 1992 and committed to exporting since 2004. At present, our factory covers 25,000 square meters, including 18,650 square meters building area. Four production lines bring us 8,000tons output annually.The thickness of laminating film we can produce ranges from 32mic to 350mic, size can be designed according to clients’ requirements. Our products can protect office documents, ID card, driving licenses, photos, business licenses, menus and file materials from water, sunlight exposure and acid. Recently, we developed anti-static laminating film and three-layers laminating film, which have improvements in product performance, laminating results and environmental protection. In addition, we also provide PET/PVC/PP binding cover with different color, OHP laser film,matte/ back-sticky/anti UV laminating pouch and plastic binding combs.We strive to provide our clients high-quality products and excellent service. All of our products are designed and manufactured to meet the environmental requirements of Europe and America, and sell to all over the world.Our company has passed “ISO9001: 2008 Quality Management System Certification”, “SGS Certification of Quality Supplier”, TUV certification. With high quality standards and strict inner inspection procedure, our products have gained good reputation from domestic and overseas customers. Also, we are some world famous stationery enterprises’ OEM supplier.Any feedback and factory tour are highly welcome. We are looking forward to cooperating with you and becoming your best supplier in the near future.
公司名称: 宜兴市宇龙塑胶包装制品有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 江苏/无锡市 公司规模: 1-49人
注册资本: 5000万人民币 注册年份: 2012
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商
经营范围: 护卡膜、相册、塑料制品的制造、加工
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